
Millennials: How Are They Changing the Workplace?

Early in 2015, Millennials became the largest generation in the workforce. They’re continuing to have an ever-increasing impact on how we work and on the economy as a whole—and some of the changes may surprise you. This generation brings with it new ideas on how the workplace should function in an ideal world, and their influence is starting to be felt by organizations who are under pressure to meet new expectations of a new generation. Let’s take a look at some of the big ways Millennials are shaping the workplace of the future.

Millennial Impact on the Workplace: Focus on Work/Life Balance

One frequently discussed facet of this generation is a renewed focus on work/life balance. This comes as they’ve witnessed previous generations get burnt out on long hours—often spent away from family.

Today’s technology changes this entire conversation, however. Millennial workers tend to be less concerned with how and where work is completed and are happy to take work with them if it means having the flexibility to spend time with family and friends and to pursue outside interests. Smart phones and lightweight computers enable this flexibility. In fact, some are saying it is more of a work and life integration as opposed to the former idea of work and life balance; by utilizing technology, they integrate work across more of the day—not less—which then allows flexibility to work fewer hours from a standard office environment while still getting work done.

This idea is something that seems natural to this up-and-coming generation, and if it’s not something offered in your workplace, don’t be surprised if more and more requests come in for such flexibility, along with similar requests for benefits related to flexibility in where, when, and how work is completed.

Millennial Impact on the Workplace: Environment Matters

In this instance, the word “environment” refers both to the working environment and the actual environment. Working environment is important to Millennials; they have been shown to value workplaces that offer recognition and appreciation for individual efforts. Employers that are courting Millennials need to show interest in improving employee well-being as well1, and support collaboration among employees while allowing for individual input. For example, according to a study by “Great Place to Work” on ideal Millennial workplaces (as reported by Fortune), here are the characteristics Millennials are looking for:

“. . . pay, profit sharing, and promotion decisions are executed fairly; everyone gets a shot at special recognition; and workers have a say in decisions that affect them. These workplaces exhibit strong, open, two-way communication; a high tolerance for risk-taking; high levels of cooperation and support among employees; and reduced roadblocks to innovation, such as internal politics.”2[i]

They also care about whether their employer cares about the environment and society as a whole and are more likely to seek employment with organizations that show a commitment to sustainability or to the betterment of society in some capacity.

What have you found in your organization? As new generations join the workforce, what trends have become prevalent? How have the ideas above impacted you?

*This article does not constitute legal advice. Always consult legal counsel with specific questions.



About Bridget Miller:

Bridget Miller is a business consultant with a specialized MBA in International Economics and Management, which provides a unique perspective on business challenges. She’s been working in the corporate world for over 15 years, with experience across multiple diverse departments including HR, sales, marketing, IT, commercial development, and training.

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