Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

Diversity of Thought

Are you drawn to job candidates who remind you … of yourself? While people often seek like-minded individuals as friends, the workplace should not reflect this kind of preference.

Tips for Recruiters Using Twitter

How many of you routinely use Twitter as part of your overall recruiting platform? How many candidates do you get from Twitter? Is this something you’d like to do more of? Let’s take a look at some tips for recruiters hoping to get the most out of this social media platform.

Hire Them Fast, but Well

So you have to hire a ton of new people, and you need it done yesterday. What do you do? Same thing you did last time? Today we’ll hear from Adam Ochstein, founder and CEO of StratEx, on how to change things up in order to hire quickly and well.

More Jobs Are Now Suitable for Flexible Work

Maybe you want to hire an account executive, client services coordinator, or financial analyst? Perhaps you’re in the market for an information security analyst, product manager, or statistician. If so, offering candidates a flexible schedule, remote work, or other nontraditional options can boost your recruiting efforts.


Helping Veterans Transition to Civilian IT Careers

The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), a leading technology association, is partnering with Microsoft Corp. on its flagship program for transitioning veterans, Microsoft Software & Systems (MSSA), to make it easier for more than 35,000 U.S. service members to transition from active duty to high-paying careers in the civilian IT workforce.