Category: Recruiting

Recruiting is changing at a rapid pace. Some organizations are abandoning traditional methods for social media; some think software can do a better job than people.

Recruiting Metrics, Perhaps Tedious, Certainly Crucial

Which recruiting metrics are you using to assess recruiting efficiency in your organization? Perhaps you’re using time-to-hire and cost-per-hire metrics but are looking for something deeper?

Reel in College Talent with Student Loan Assistance

Yesterday, we looked at a survey showing how student loan assistance programs lower stress in the workplace. Another survey shows how student loan borrowers would much rather work for a company that offers them assistance with those loans.

wrong role

A Quick Guide to Using Personality ‘Tests’

By Cyndi Sax, senior vice president, Caliper One of the toughest decisions an HR professional has to make is who to hire. You probably have at least one story of a candidate who aced the interview and had great credentials, but bombed in whatever job he or she was hired to perform. Hiring decisions can […]


New Survey Dispels Millennial Hiring Myths

Yello, a talent acquisition software company, has released its 2016 Yello Recruiting Study. For the study, Yello used its proprietary data and surveyed more than 7,000 students and recent graduates to gauge their perspectives on the hiring process.

Social Media? Video Interviews? Great, but Legal Dangers Lurk

People spend, on average, 2–3 hours per day on social media or social networking. Companies, loath to fall behind, are using social media and video interviews on a regular basis. While it is important for companies to progress with the times to best reach potential applicants and market their products and services, there is potential […]

Reduce Major Employee Stress with Student Loan Assistance

Like countless other “essential employee benefits” you’ve heard of over the years, student loan assistance sounds like a good idea. But you’re probably wondering: Is this one going to last? Based on the results of a recent survey, all signs point to yes.

Uncommon Recruiting Tactics

In yesterday’s Advisor, we outlined some of the less common techniques to find and recruit top talent. Let’s take a look at a few more unusual options.