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Shifting Demographics: Majority to Minority?

Individuals who have long been in the majority classes for race and ethnicity may now find themselves in the unfamiliar territory of a “minority” in some states. The changes in population present an interesting—if not complicated—problem for contractors with affirmative action responsibilities. Recent census data reveal that there are four states where “minority” populations are […]

Promote from Within or Hire Externally?

When looking to fill a vacancy—especially one that is a position of leadership—does your organization look internally, externally, or both?

Union to pay $6.2 million in historic race and national origin discrimination case

Local 28 of the Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association in New York City (Local 28) will have to pay $6.2 million to a class of black and Hispanic workers. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Local 28 provided them fewer job opportunities because of their race or national origin. The monetary part of […]

Same-Sex Harassment: High Court Rules Same-Sex Harassment Is Illegal And Clarifies Standards For All Claims

Some employers pay little attention to dirty jokes, horseplay and locker room antics among male co-workers. But a new U.S. Supreme Court ruling makes it more important than ever to take a closer look at this kind of behavior. The court found that alleged sexual abuse of a male oil rig worker by his male […]

“Day Without a Gay” Nationwide Protest May Result in Work Shortage

Some gay rights advocates are calling for “A Day Without a Gay” protest and boycott across the United States on Wednesday, December 10, to show opposition to California’s Proposition 8 and to show the power of the gay and lesbian community. Organizers are encouraging people to strike by “calling in gay” to work, taking the […]


Legal Cannabis Spurs Demand for Certain Skill Sets

Just a few years ago, it would have been almost unheard of for someone to list the ability to grow, identify, or recommend different strains of cannabis as a job qualification, but the times are a changin’!

News Notes: Court Approves—And Expands—Ergonomics Regulations

Responding to legal challenges by both employer and labor organizations, a trial court judge has refused to throw out California’s new workplace ergonomics rules, which took effect on July 3, 1997. Plus, the court ruled that the regulations, aimed at reducing repetitive motion injuries, must apply to all California employers and struck down an exemption […]

Productivity Got Run Over by a Reindeer During the Holidays

by Margaret DiBianca Hints of the holiday season are tucked away in every corner of the workplace. Cards from customers and vendors are tacked up in cubicles. Uneaten candy canes and tin canisters filled with chocolate-drizzled caramel popcorn continue to make appearances in the break room. The office-party circuit seems endless and, of course, requires […]

Employee Free Choice Act: What Employers Should Do Now

by Donald D. Berner and Forrest T. Rhodes The election of Barack Obama as the next president, coupled with the Democratic Party’s increased majority in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, is certain to bring changes. The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), which President-elect Obama and Democratic congressional leaders vow to pass in […]