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Twitter for Benefits Communication: A Powerful Addition

A fun, simple, and flexible way to get information out to your employees and families, Twitter™ can be a powerful addition to your benefits communication this year. But, understanding how this at-first perplexing platform can be used for benefits communication may not be obvious. Look a little closer, and Twitter is a great way to […]

Stop Being an HR Terrorist

Yesterday’s Advisor featured consultant Tim Sackett’s What the CEO Wishes HR Would Do. Today, his 6-step program for HR managers. How is HR a terrorist? HR tends to use the law as a hammer, Sackett says. “No you can’t do it; it’s against the law.” A better approach is, “Yes, you can do it, but […]


How Organizations Should Start Thinking Differently About Talent

On a global scale, there have been major shifts in the way we think about work, the people who do the work, and where the work is done. An increase in the use of technology, the rapid change of pace, and even reevaluating organizational priorities all play a part in this. As business models continue […]

The Top 10 Time-Wasters Keeping Your Sales Reps from the Million-Dollar Mark

In yesterday’s Advisor, sales expert Joseph DiMisa outlined how to determine the right competencies for million-dollar sales reps; today, DiMisa shares tips on how to keep your reps spending their time productively as they strive for the seven-figure mark. With over 20 years of experience working in all aspects of sales, DiMisa is Sibson’s Sales […]


Open Hiring 101

We know the search for good talent is tough, but could you imagine hiring the first person who walked in the door and applied for a job? That’s basically the strategy one company has adopted in order to fill its vacant roles.

Was It Just a Layoff … Or Was It Age Discrimination?

by Teresa W. Ghali Companies that undertake reorganizations often face potential liability for lawsuits, including discrimination claims that stem from the reorganizations and associated layoffs. One such claim in California—alleging age discrimination—was able to be disproved by the facts.

Take Precautions when Using Humor in Safety Training

Before we get into what not to do when using humor in safety training, let’s look at why it matters: Using humor and promoting some laughter and fun in safety training sessions helps trainees relax, interact more with you and other trainees, and be more open to new ideas. Laughter can also help perk up […]