Tag: email best practices

Making It Count: Tips for Effective Email Communication

Email is woven into our work lives. It’s important, and we should treat it as important, so we need to take a minute to think about making it more effective. Here are three suggestions. Suggestion #1: Respond Somewhere along the line, email made us forget basic manners, but its ease of use is to blame, […]

Considerations When Employees Pronounce Their Pronouns in Email Signatures

He/him. She/her. They/them. With increasing public attention over the past few years to the topics of gender identity, gender fluidity, and the rights of transgender individuals, it has become more common for people to make their pronoun preferences known to others. In the electronic world, these disclosures commonly occur in social media profiles and, most […]

Write E-Mails Like a Reporter

E-mails are a staple of office communication, but they can also be a source of tremendous frustration. Most workers have probably had the experience of taking the time to craft an e-mail but still having to answer questions that had already been answered in said e-mail. On the other hand, many workers also probably audibly […]