“No Mosquitoes Allowed!” More Training Tips to Control Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can carry a number of dangerous and deadly diseases, including malaria, dengue and yellow fevers, several variations of encephalitis, and West Nile Virus. So protect yourself and your workers from insect-borne diseases by training them to take these precautions from EPA for controlling mosquitoes in your area. Remove Their Habitat Eliminate standing water in […]

Performance Appraisal Ratings—Training Required!

Because poor performance is often advanced as the reason for a termination, the performance appraisal system is often the crux of the defense against a wrongful termination suit. Here’s how to train your managers and supervisors to make sure your appraisals hold up. Direct Legal Problems in Appraisals One common claim is from an employee […]

12 Tips to Engage Employees in Safety Training

Hold formal safety meetings on a regular basis. Supplement those meetings with brief, informal sessions. Keep meetings to a reasonable length. Plan well in advance and have an agenda for each meeting. Make sure you have full management support for training efforts. Bring in managers from other parts of the facility and outside experts to […]