HR Management & Compliance

UnLeadership — The 4 Traits Managers Must Learn to Avoid

By Stephen D. Bruce, PHR
Editor, HR Daily Advisor

It’s all too common to read about the positive traits of great leaders, but what about their darker side, the negative traits, asks business and leadership blogger Dan Oswald in a recent edition of The Oswald Letter. In today’s e-pinion, how he’s become a better leader by avoiding the mistakes he’s seen in other leaders.

The other day a colleague passed along an article on leadership written by Michael Hyatt. The piece was titled, “The Five Characteristics of Weak Leaders” and focused on the leadership of General George B. McClellan, the first general-in-chief of the Union Army.

It detailed the weaknesses McClellan exhibited as a leader and how they ultimately led to his dismissal. The piece got me thinking about how much of what I’ve learned about good management was the result of mistakes made by leaders. In other words, sometimes it’s easier to learn what not to do than what to do.

I’ve had the opportunity to work for some very good leaders, but no one is perfect. Every leader has his or her strengths and weaknesses. It’s always great to emulate what you admire most about a great leader, but it’s also important to avoid the less admirable traits or behaviors of even the most successful leaders.

In his article, Hyatt points out that McClellan was hesitant in taking action, complained about the lack of resources, refused to take responsibility, abused his leadership position, and engaged in acts of subordination. Based on the examples Hyatt uses to demonstrate each of McClellan’s shortcomings, you can see why the Union Army performed so poorly under his leadership and why he ultimately lost his job.

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What characteristics or traits have you seen from leaders that reflected poorly on them or weakened their ability to lead? Here are a few I’ve experienced during my career:

1. Lack of Honesty

I’ve seen leaders unwilling or unable to be honest on a consistent basis, and it always leads to their downfall. It may be that they don’t have an answer so they make up one or feel that others aren’t capable of dealing with the truth. Whatever the reasons, they don’t always tell the truth, and it comes back to haunt them. People always find out the truth and when they do the leader is revealed as dishonest.

2. Inconsistency

If you’re a leader, you need to lead not some of the time, but all of the time. No doubt it’s a big responsibility, but it comes with the territory. Too many times I’ve seen leaders crack under the pressure of the job. They’re great at leading in great times, but when the going gets tough they disappear as a leader. A leader who can’t lead in difficult times really isn’t a leader. People need to know they can count on their leader in good times and bad.

3. Insecurity

There’s nothing worse than an insecure leader — that person who is consistently looking over his shoulder. He never feels like he’s up to the job and, as a result, he’s not. The insecure leader is never confident in the support he has from above or from his own people. This insecurity can be displayed in a number of ways. The leader may be indecisive, worrying that every action might lead to his dismissal. It may display itself as paranoia, concerned that someone is always out to replace him. However the insecurity displays itself, it makes the leader ineffective.

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4. The Dictator

I’ve also seen leaders who are capable in so many ways, but they’re more dictator than leader. They trust, but only a little. When decisions need to be made, the leader pretends to include everyone and accept the team’s input — as long as it’s in agreement with what he wants and how he wants it done. But if colleagues present ideas inconsistent with the leader’s, he crushes them immediately. He’s smarter, he’s stronger, he’s better than anyone and everyone on the team, and he’s going to let them know. They’re going to do it his way and that’s it, no questions asked.

Leaders You’ve Known

Think back to all the leaders you’ve been associated with throughout your career. I’m sure you can think of a lot of great qualities they have displayed. Now think about their weaknesses and shortcomings. You should spend as much time trying to avoid those behaviors as you do trying to emulate their strengths. And think about your own leadership abilities. What could you do better or differently? Where do you fall short as a leader? Now go to work correcting those and you’ll be a better leader

Have you been exposed to some unleadership yourself? Share your best, or is it worst, experiences using the comments link below.

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4 thoughts on “UnLeadership — The 4 Traits Managers Must Learn to Avoid”

  1. Thank you for publishing this, it is quite topical, especially in this time of turbulence and values shifting.
    Do you think courage could be added as a trait or is a part of consistency as I believe courage is more exact description of leading in difficult time behaviour. Thank you

  2. All of the above are valid, but insecurity is one of the most harmful. A broader problem is when the corporate culture is designed to breed insecurity. It’s easy to spot. Home office memos describe a lot of activities which will “result in termination.” It’s tough to be in local management in such a corporate culture. You feel you should clear every decision up the chain, but you also know that if you do so, that’s asking your boss to do the job you are paid to do. So you go ahead and try to shield those working for you as best as you can. I’ve been there, with two multinational corporations. I’m now very happy working for a small company.

  3. Very true and absolutely necessary for a true leader to not just follow the tips, but live by them. They have to be part of his escence.

  4. I think it courage is kind of the overriding trait you need to exhibit all four of these traits. It takes courage to be honest at times, to be consistent when it would be easier not to be (say, for example, when the discipline problem is with a top salesperson), to push aside your insecurities, and to set aside your ego and give other people’s ideas chance.

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